Friday, September 17, 2010

Blue Ribbon Results

Wow, what a week!  Our 4H club had a phenomenal experience at the 161st Wayne County Fair!  All of our hard work and preparation paid off as we had one of our best years ever as exhibitors at the fair!  In the open shows, the families from our club were proud to exhibit the Champion Jersey (Firestone Homestead Jerseys, the Ted Hershey Family), the Champion and Reserve Champion Ayrshire (Tanner Topp of ToppGlen Holsteins & Ayrshires) and Champion Holstein (Kurt & Rachel Topp and Sherry Smith of ToppGlen Holsteins & Ayrshires).

In the junior shows, we fared just as well!  Check out the photos and comments below to see the recap of our members' highlights:

Our 4H Club was honored to win Grand and Reserve Champion of all three breeds we exhibited at this year's Wayne County Fair!  The photo above shows the three breed champions from our club who competed for Supreme Champion:

Champion Jersey went to Alli Mangun and Reserve Champion Jersey was exhibited by Tyler Topp
Champion Holstein was exhibited by Tanner Topp and the Reserve Champion went to Alli Mangun
Champion and Reserve Champion Ayrshires were also exhibited by Tanner Topp

Congratulations to Alli Mangun and her Sr 2 Year Old Jersey Cow, Sammi for winning Supreme Champion! 

Allison Janes won the 16 Year Old age division of showmanship and went on to be named the Senior Supreme Showman during the 2010 Wayne County Fair

Tanner Topp won the 14 Year Old age division of showmanship at this year's fair

Brennan Topp won the 11 Year Old age division during the 2010 Wayne County Fair and went on to be named Junior Supreme Showman!

Marissa Topp won the 9 Year Old showmanship division during this year's fair!

As one of the advisors for our 4H club, it has been such a rewarding experience to watch these kids grow up and see how their hard work has paid off for them. As individuals they are passionate about what they do and all of them put the necessary work in behind the scenes with their livestock and on their family farms to create success.  As a group they are enthusiastic about dairy cattle, they are friends and most importantly they've learned how to be humble winners and gracious when standing at the end of the judge's lineup.  I am so proud of each of them and think that I get more out of being an advisor than they do as being members!  Great work everyone - we only have 358 days until we get to do this again! 

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