Saturday, September 11, 2010

This should be a holiday!

This SHOULD be a holiday!!! Today is the start of The Wayne County Fair. This is my favorite time of year. Not only do I not have to go to school, but I get to do the things I LOVE most; showing cows and spending time with my friends.

In the picture above you see me (Allison Janes) on the left and my friend (Alli Mangun) on the right washing my cow Mia. I started my day off by getting up at 4:30 this morning so we could come in and do chores. We got to the fairgrounds at about 5:30 this morning. We milked our 5 cows and washed all 15 animals by about 8:30 this morning.

Not only do we have to wash all the animals we have to bed them down with straw and shavings. Think of the straw and shavings as a BIG, GIANT bed for cows. After we have all the washing done we have to feed. When it comes time to feeding it gets a little crazy. We have to get the feed tubs out at lightning fast speeds, so that none of the animals get into a little fight over them.

Every morning a family in the club makes breakfast. Today was Alli Manguns and my turn. My mom always makes breakfast sandwiches. They are AWESOME and everyone loves them. This is my most abosolute favorite time of the year. Everyone should sometime this week come and visit the Wayne County Fair (September 11-16). 

Author Allison Janes is a Junior at Triway High School. She was the Wayne County Dairy Princess last year. She is also involved with the Triway High School marching and symphonic band,and she plays basketball. She is in French club and is a member of the Purple Pack or Pep Club. She is currently on Junior Fair Board and is serving on the dairy committee as well as being Vice President of the Blue Ribbon 4H Dairy Club.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Allison! Nifty blog, wish I'd have thought of something like this :)
